About the BSW Program

The UNC Charlotte BSW Program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, the national accrediting body for social work education programs. The BSW degree prepares graduates for generalist social work practice. Generalist practice relates to utilizing multiple types of intervention that would be useful for different types of social systems and client populations. Emphases are placed on the following:
- development of therapeutic working relationships with clients
- assessment of client systems from a diversity-affirming, ecological systems perspective
- establishment of accurate and appropriate problem definitions and goals for intervention
- utilization of varying intervention approaches, depending on the unique characteristics and needs of diverse client systems; linkage with resources
- empowerment through identifying client strengths and enhancing client problem-solving, coping, and developmental capacities
- application of baccalaureate-level research and evaluation methods
All of these emphases related to generalist practice are centered in professional social work values and ethics within an increasingly global environment and are designed to affirm the human rights of diverse groups of people, especially populations-at-risk and groups which have historically been oppressed due to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, age, and ability.
UNC Charlotte BSW graduates are employed in a variety of areas such as child protective services, substance abuse treatment, hospitals, youth and children services, criminal justice, adoptions/foster care, hospice, and long term care. They work from the coast to the mountains of North Carolina as well as all across the United States.
Degree Requirements (Progression from Lower to Upper Division)
Current students who are in good academic standing at the University are eligible to declare Social Work as their major. For more information on declaring social work as a major go to http://advising.uncc.edu/students/majors-minors/declaring. In so doing, they enter into Lower Division admission status in the major but are not yet considered to be students enrolled in the BSW Program (Upper Division). As indicated above, entering into Upper Division also termed the “BSW Program” requires an application and is a competitive process.
Students must apply for Upper Division BSW admission through the School of Social Work. Admission to Upper Division must be granted before students are permitted to take Upper Division courses in the BSW major. Once accepted and admitted as an Upper Division student, students will matriculate through a rigorous academic course of study. Upper Division Admission is a selective process and not all students will be admitted, even if they have met the minimum requirements for the program. However, we have a high admittance rate and strongly encourage students who meet the criteria to apply.
The BSW program is a campus-based program with classes held during the daytime (not evenings). The BSW program is not a Distance Education program and therefore cannot be completed fully online.
Register for a BSW Virtual Information Session or meet with a member of our Admissions Team for more information!
The School of Social Work invites you to learn more about the BSW Program and the admission process by scheduling a meeting with a member of our admissions team. To schedule an individual meeting with a member of our admissions team, please contact us at sswadmissions@uncc.edu.
BSW Information Session Registration
Why Choose Our Program?
- Faculty: Our diverse faculty have a reputation for being accessible, inclusive, and invested in student success
- Students: Through our cohort model, students provide support to one another as they move through the program
- Community Engagement: The School of Social Work has partnerships with over 200 urban and rural practicum placement agencies serving vulnerable populations in the Charlotte region, enabling students, practicum instructors, and practicum faculty work together to ensure students gain the knowledge and build the skills they need to be competent practitioners
- Advancement: Alumni have indicated they feel well prepared for entry-level social work positions and to succeed in MSW Programs
- Campus Environment: In addition to strong academics, UNC Charlotte has many opportunities to enrich the lives of students including athletics, student organizations, on-campus housing, and more

Student Testimonials
“The BSW program at UNCC has been amazing and the staff is so supportive! My favorite time during this program was definitely my [Practicum Education] internship with Center 360! The experiences I have gained in the field have led me to grow even more as a future social worker. The staff goes above and beyond to ensure we are supported as well as educated in all aspects of the social work profession and enables us with all resources needed to be the best social workers we can be! ” – Allison G., BSW Class of 2020
“As a non traditional student the BSW Program at UNC Charlotte has made it possible for me to easily transition to the student life after 20 years out of the student life. The professors and student connections that you are able to develop during your time as a BSW student and the hands on knowledge that the program provides are paramount to the ultimate outcome in Social Work, to be prepared to serve with competence.” – Ilona A., BSW Class of 2020
“As an adult student in the BSW Program at UNC Charlotte, the staff and faculty were supportive and respectful. During classes, open communication was always encouraged and my life events were valued and kept confidential. As a non-traditional student in the BSW Program, it is still possible to make lifetime connections.” – Lakeysha S., BSW Class of 2015
Social Work Videos
For Social Work Month 2022 (March 2022), we interviewed 31 social work faculty, students, alumni, and community partners in 31 days. View our playlist to hear from these social workers!
Hands-On Learning Opportunities and Practical Experiences
Practicum education is a critical component of the BSW major and occurs during the fall and spring semesters of the senior year. Students are required to complete an application for practicum education during the semester prior to entering practicum placement. Practicum Education prepares students for what it is like to be a social worker.
The Practicum Office reviews all applications and meets with students to plan their practicum education experience. To the extent feasible, efforts are made to place students in settings that are congruent with their professional social work practice interests. In addition, all practicum placement settings must provide generalist practice learning opportunities and meet the UNC Charlotte School of Social Work requirements for BSW practicum instruction. Students are not permitted to make contact with potential practicum agencies or potential practicum instructors without the approval of the Practicum Director. All placement arrangements must be initiated by the Practicum Office.
Please visit the BSW Practicum Education section for additional information about the Practicum Education program and requirements.

Faculty Excellence
Our faculty are experts in the field of social work, with many different research interests and areas of expertise including mental health, racial institutional inequity, trauma, public health, substance abuse, gerontology, social justice, youth development, grief and loss, social work with HIV and AIDS, and much more. Our faculty present research at conferences nationwide, such as the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and Society for Social Work Research (SSWR).
Our faculty have a reputation for being accessible, inclusive, and invested in student success, with some faculty working with students on research projects and publications. Faculty have also been recognized for their teaching, research, and community service as recipients of several awards including Faculty Excellence Awards within the College of Health and Human Services, NASW recognition, and other university or community awards for service.
Learn about financial aid options
For information about our BSW Program, please contact our Admissions Team at sswadmissions@charlotte.edu.
* Offered in support of the School of Social Work’s mission statement, which is responsive to the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)’s accreditation requirements.